How to Add/Delete/Change pictures



Pictures are added, deleted, and changed from the "View Listed Parts" page.
To add a picture to a part that doesn't currently have a picture, click on the "Add Picture" link in the far right hand column. A screen will open that will allow you to add up to 4 pictures for that part. 

The first picture will show as the thumbnail image for that part in the search return. Click on the browse button for the picture and search for the picture in your computer files. Once you have selected a picture, it will be displayed on the screen for you to approve. 

Repeat this process for additional pictures of this part and click the "Update Pictures" link to add the pictures and return to the "View Listed Parts" page. Be patient, it may take a few moments for your pictures to upload to the Internet.

E-Swap-Meet will automatically resize your images.

To add additional pictures or to delete pictures, click on the image of the part and follow the same instructions as above.

Delete Parts
Go to the "View Listed Parts" page and click on the "Delete" link for the part you wish to delete. A prompt will ask you if you are sure you want to delete the part. Click yes and the part will be removed from the database.
Edit Parts
Go to the "View Listed Parts" page and click on the "Edit" link for the part you want to change. Make the desired changes to the fields in the same manner as adding the part.
Sort Parts Listing
Your parts listing can be sorted by Part Name, Part Number, Make, or Date Entered by clicking on the underlined header for that column; example: Clicking on the Make header will sort your listings by vehicle Make. You can sort by first part entered or last part entered by clicking on the Date Listed column.